Member practices

Serving the population of BNSSG

One Care has 66 member general practice partnerships, which serve one million patients across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG).

Below is a tube map showing where they are located.


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These practices are independent businesses, each serving the needs of their patients. They also work together in a number of different ways.

Firstly, across the whole area, as part of One Care. Secondly, they have formed localities, of which there are six – two in North Somerset, three in Bristol and one in South Gloucestershire.

These cover a patient population of 100,000-200,000. Following the NHS Five Year Forward View, general practice was offered new and additional funding for small groups of practices – called Primary Care Networks (PCNs) – that typically serve a patient population of around 30,000 to 50,000. 

In April 2019, those Primary Care Networks formed – there are 20 in BNSSG. You can see these on the tube map above. 

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