The GP Collaborative Board (GPCB) is the representative voice of general practice in planning and decision-making within the BNSSG Healthier Together health and care system.
We are here to make sure general practice is heard. We ensure the perspective of general practice is considered and central to any discussions. We also ensure that any decisions made and actions taken in the region improve working life for our doctors and practice staff, and enhance patient care.
All decisions made by the GPCB are to improve general practice and patient care.
The GPCB meets monthly to consider and ratify proposals, developments and ideas. The GPCB has a Chair and medical director (both clinicians) and is made up of:
You can find updates on our latest decisions and news here.
We continually look for new ways to advocate for GPs, and ensure general practice is represented at system-wide meetings. We work closely with partners including the ICB, the acute trusts, other healthcare providers, and the voluntary and community sectors.
We are a forum for issues and ideas and welcome your input. You can contact us here:
The GPCB clinical leads are central to communications between general practice and system partners. They sit on workstream-related committees with stakeholders and community partners, advocate on behalf of general practice, help solve issues, and relay vital information back to general practice.
We have employed clinical leads for:
We are working with BNSSG partners on several programmes:
One Care carries out the programmes agreed by the GPCB, and each programme is overseen by a clinical lead.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more about the GPCB please get in touch with us: