Amplifying the voice of general practice in BNSSG
One Care is the general practice federation representing and supporting practices in Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG). Set up in 2014, it has 66 member general practice partnership across the area, which provide healthcare for more than 1 million patients.
It supports practices with various aspects of running their businesses, including: finance: digital; operations; business intelligence, and IT.
It works closely with practices to represent and amplify their voices in discussions and decisions about the delivery of healthcare in the area, through the GP Collaborative Board (GPCB).
It also supports general practice to pilot projects and initiatives that support innovation and new ways of working, or solve challenges they face, helping them improve delivery of care to patients.
Finally, it uses its general practice expertise to work with partners from outside the sector or local area. Any funding generated from this work goes back into the services it provides for its member practices.
Find out more about what One Care does.
One Care is a Community Interest Company. Its Board comprises 12 nominated and elected voting directors, who are all GPs or practice managers from practices in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. Meet the Board.
It evolved from the One Care Consortium, which was set up in 2014 to bid to the national GP Access Fund to help improve access to general practice and stimulate innovative ways of providing primary care services. One Care Consortium was awarded £9.4 million across two waves of funding to develop several innovative pilots and projects over three years.
When the programme ended, One Care set up as a new organisation (with BNSSG practices as its shareholders). Initially, it was a limited company with a commitment not to pay dividends to shareholders, but to direct profits back into general practice in BNSSG. To further this, it switched to being a Community Interest Company (CIC) in late 2019. Read more about One Care’s history.