August 2, 2022
Voice of general practice strengthened as BrisDoc joins the GPCB
The General Practice Collaborative Board (GPCB) has welcomed BrisDoc as its newest voting member.
The GPCB is the established representative at-scale decision-making body for general practice in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG), and is formally recognised as the “go to” place for the system to work and engage with general practice at scale.
Following the annual review of the GPCB’s terms of reference, the Board looked at its membership and invited BrisDoc to join.
BrisDoc joins representatives from the Primary Care Networks, the six GP localities, Avon Local Medical Committee, and One Care (the GP Federation) as members of the GPCB.
BrisDoc is an employee-owned social enterprise, which has been delivering NHS primary care services for over 20 years, including the Integrated Urgent Care Service for BNSSG. It also provides a number of GP practices and Bristol’s Homeless Health Service.
Dr Jon Hayes, Chair of the GPCB, said: “We’re delighted to welcome BrisDoc to full voting membership of the GPCB. Having BrisDoc as a member strengthens our role, as it enables us to properly represent both in and out of hours general practice in our area. It enables us to work more cohesively across 24/7 general practice for the benefit of our patients. We hope joining the GPCB will also strengthen BrisDoc’s voice in the local healthcare system.”
Dr Kathy Ryan, BrisDoc’s Medical Director, said: “BrisDoc is delighted to become a full voting member of the GPCB. Uniting the voice of 24/7 general practice in BNSSG will provide a strong platform for consolidation, development and innovation in primary care in the new Integrated Care System.”
Voice of general practice strengthened as BrisDoc joins the GPCB