November 12, 2021
New data in General Practice Activity Report
In an exciting development, One Care has updated its existing General Practice Activity Report (GPAR) to include a further breakdown of the clinical and non-clinical activity happening in general practice each week.
One Care has been producing this report on a weekly basis since April 2021. The report is shared with our system partners, practices and with the public.
GPAR has now been upgraded to provide a more accurate representation of the work happening in general practice and the current pressures being faced.
Further developing the report will enable our system to move towards having a view of activity in general practice that is more like the data presented by other healthcare providers, such as hospitals and community providers, who are able to present rich data about their demand and capacity.
In the new format, clinician activity is now broken down by clinician type and lead time to give a greater understanding of the urgency and complexity of care delivered.
Telephony volumes have also been split to demonstrate incoming and outgoing calls, which highlights the increase in patient demand and telephone consultations. The data can also be compared to historical trends, to show change over time.
View the latest data representing practices across BNSSG up to 5 November here.
New data in General Practice Activity Report