February 21, 2022
One Care helping practices benchmark telephony demand
One Care has updated the telephony information available to practices in their General Practice Intelligence Dashboard (GPID).
The dashboard enables practices to benchmark themselves against other anonymised practices in BNSSG on incoming and unanswered call volumes, as well as the overall percentage of calls unanswered. The data can be tracked and measured over a week, month, quarter and year.
Practices will be able to see where they sit in comparison to each other, including in relation to patient demand and how it is being dealt with (using a rate per 1,000 patients).
This information may inspire a deep dive into practice call volume and how calls are being handled. It could also highlight specific time frames where demand has increased or decreased.
One Care’s business intelligence support analyst Kelly Hawkes commented on the new dashboard saying: “The analytics teams are incredibly excited to launch this dashboard as it offers something to practices that previously they’ve been unable to see.
“Practices are inundated with calls on a daily basis and this dashboard enables them to track this data in line with other practices. This dashboard is available to all Bistech practices and PCNs that have provided consent for One Care to process their telephony data.
“We would encourage as many practices to utilise this dashboard as possible as it offers a further insight into their practice.”
If you would like more information on the dashboard and how to use it, please contact onecare.analytics@onecare.org.uk.
One Care helping practices benchmark telephony demand