November 26, 2020
How we’ve developed our dashboards over the pandemic
In order to support general practice throughout the unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic, we quickly recognized that personal data and analytics could be invaluable for practices to help measure their demand, needs, and how they compare with other practices in Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire. Therefore, we have recently launched a number of new features on the One Care General Practice Intelligence Dashboard (GPID).
Firstly, we created a flu monitoring page which enables practices to see what proportion of their total eligible population have been vaccinated to date and monitor update among more specific cohorts using the One Care flu searches taken from the local general practice booking system.
In addition, we’ve also developed an OPEL status page. Operational Pressure and Escalation Levels (OPEL) are used by other providers in BNSSG to measure the stress, demand and pressure they’re facing. To date, there has been no consistent way to do this in general practice. By integrating primary care into the OPEL system, general practice will have a stronger voice in discussions about pressure in the BNSSG health and social care system, ensuring all partners can work together to manage and reduce its impact.
This information also provides you with a quantifiable measure of how busy you are, which you can use to let staff, patients, other practices, the CCG, LMC, NHSE and hospitals about the pressure you’re under and how long it is likely to last.
Lastly, we also worked to help general practice manage throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we developed a COVID dashboard which provides info about the number of COVID cases in the practice, as well as other data on wider COVID-19 management. The dashboard is refreshed daily with data pulled from practices EMIS platform.
Our wonderful analytics team is always on hand to support practices and to also answer any questions others may have about what we can do to support healthcare and population health analytics across the country. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with onecare.analytics@onecare.org.uk.
How we’ve developed our dashboards over the pandemic