What we do

Continuity of care


One Care was one of only five projects across the country to be awarded funding by The Health Foundation to work with general practice to increase continuity of care. We were awarded £248,000.

This programme was inspired by a recent piece of research completed by The Health Foundation, which demonstrated that patients with ambulatory sensitive conditions who see the same GP a greater proportion of the time have fewer unplanned hospital admissions.

We are working with 24 practices with a combined patient population of at least 400,000 patients. Practices are exploring two approaches; firstly a clinician leading a team looking after a specific cohort and the secondly a microteam approach. The project will come to an end in June 2021 but practices taking part are sharing their experiences to provide a Toolkit to support other practices with improving continuity.

What are the benefits?

Increased trust means patients are more satisfied
Patients are more likely to have a good relationship with their GP
Patients are less likely to go to hospital
Patients are more likely to follow advice
Patients are more likely to receive good quality of care

How can I find out more?

Contact us – enquiries@onecare.org.uk

I find it reassuring to know that a GP has an overview of my healthcare.

Patient in North and West Bristol