Reducing GP paperwork through workflow optimisation training

Reducing GP paperwork through workflow optimisation training

GP paperwork has been on the rise for a number of years, which was recognised as one of the key issues for general practice in the GP Forward View. As a result of this, all practices were offered funding to attend training to help with their document management processes. In July 2017, we began working with EPI, a local training provider, to offer workflow optimisation training sessions to our practices. The project has recently come to an end, so we have been working on an evaluation of how successful it has been.  The aims of this project were to:

  • Provide consistent and high-quality Workflow Optimisation training to BNSSG practices
  • Increase efficiency in practice and release clinical capacity
  • Reduce the administrative burden on clinical staff
  • Upskill administrative practice staff

The training was provided to 167 members of practice staff from 58 practices (around 70% of all One Care practices). We measured the success of these sessions by giving attendees a feedback form. It was very well-received and rated highly by practices:

Well led and run, very experienced GP knowledge in implementing and working with the system”.

99.3% of attendees said they would recommend the seminar to colleagues and 81.4% said the training was excellent (18.6% said good).  In 2018, we worked with Hanham Health to create a case study about their experience of the training and experience of implementing their learnings in practice.

We did encounter some challenges in delivering this training programme. Often practices found it difficult to spare appropriate staff members to attend. Also, it was difficult to measure how effectively the training has been implemented in practices without doing more follow up, which means in many cases we are not sure to what degree it has increased efficiency and released clinical capacity. We will be looking to carry out some follow up work over the coming months.

If you’re keen to find out more, or read the full evaluation, get in touch.


Reducing GP paperwork through workflow optimisation training

Reducing GP paperwork through workflow optimisation training

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