August 25, 2022
Work ramping up for autumn vaccination drive
Preparations are underway for this autumn’s flu and Covid-19 vaccinations in general practice across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG).
The vaccination programme is a huge undertaking, with around 345,000 people in BNSSG eligible to be vaccinated. There will be around 4,000 staff and volunteers involved in delivering vaccines this year, many of whom will need refresher training.
It will see general practice working in partnership with acute hospitals, community pharmacy and mass vaccination centres to reach as much of the eligible population as possible.
The programme will focus on those most vulnerable to Covid-19 and flu first, starting with health and social care staff, care home residents, those who are housebound, and the clinically vulnerable.
Ruth Hughes, One Care’s Programme Manager for PCN-based vaccinations, said: “The mass vaccination programme for flu and Covid-19 is a big commitment for general practices, so it’s fantastic all 20 of BNSSG’s primary care networks are taking part. Their involvement, plus that of our partners in community pharmacy and the mass vaccination centres, is crucial and means people shouldn’t need to travel far for their vaccination.
“The programme is also a huge opportunity to maximise the population’s protection against flu and Covid-19. We have vaccines for both that are safe to administer at the same time – including a new version of the Covid-19 vaccine.
“Our hope is that we will be able to offer everyone who’s eligible a vaccination before Christmas.”
Work ramping up for autumn vaccination drive