What we do

Digital support


All BNSSG practices use EMIS Web as their patient record system. Our digital consultants provide responsive expertise and practical support to help practices get the most out of EMIS. We can provide one-on-one EMIS support or create EMIS resources based on practice specific requirements. Throughout the year we also create and share searches, protocols and templates that are beneficial to all practices across BNSSG.

We have also expanded our digital support offer to cover other tools and systems being used in general practice, including:

  • Resource Publisher
  • Black Pear
  • CareFlow Connect

What are the benefits?

Reduce duplication by using tools we have built or shared
Access to experts; get quick and practical support
Shared learning across all practices
Increase practice confidence
Access to trusted expertise to support with issues

How can I find out more?

Contact us – digital@onecare.org.uk

“Thank you so much for all your help and reassurance! Your help today (and always was amazing – your knowledge and patience seems never ending. It is appreciated.”

Practice feedback