What we do



General practice in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire has been instrumental in the delivery of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.

The mass vaccination team supports practices, as part of primary care networks (PCNs), to offer Covid-19 vaccinations to their patients. It does this by providing programme management; stock management; administrative support; digital resources; and data and communications support.

The team’s support has enabled PCNs in BNSSG to deliver more than 1.4 million Covid-19 vaccinations in the last two years.

In October 2022, the programme won the ‘Improving Health Outcomes for Minority Ethnic Communities Award’ at the Health Service Journal’s (HSJ) patient safety awards, for its work with communities to encourage equity of access to and uptake of the Covid-19 vaccine.

What are the benefits?

Patients are vaccinated closer to home
Uptake of vaccinations is higher when the population can easily access vaccinations from people they trust

How can I find out more?

Contact us – mass.vaccination@onecare.org.uk

“Thank you for all the hard work you’ve done keeping us all going with the vaccine programme through thick and thin - hugely appreciated.”

Practice feedback