It’s all here: eight months on

It’s all here: eight months on

In January 2018, we launched Health Jobs BNSSG, a recruitment microsite designed to support practices in attracting the best people to come and work with them. On the site, job seekers can find:

  • The benefits of living and working in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire
  • Information about the dynamic general practice working environment, including the different roles available
  • Testimonials from current staff in BNSSG GP practices
  • Practice profiles that demonstrate the unique characteristics of local practices
  • Opportunity to register for jobs by email alert

In the last 8 months, the site has been visited more than 24,000 times and there have been over 32,000 job views. We’ve advertised 250 general practice jobs and around 40% of practices have used the site to advertise a role in the last 3 months. It’s brilliant to see the site being used. We continue to use paid traffic drivers, including social media campaigns and pay-per-click Google advertising. We recently posted another advert in the BMJ to raise brand awareness. Practices are also supporting us, with one practice being responsible for approximately 30 visits to the site each month as they have linked to it prominently on their vacancies page.

The feedback we’ve received from practices so far has been largely positive, but it’s often difficult to identify where applicants came across adverts if they are posted on a number of sites.

You can support the site by following us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

It’s all here: eight months on

It’s all here: eight months on

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